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What MacGuffin Is and Does

MacGuffin is a factional content marketing specialist. We work as a part-time resources for business owners, entrepreneurs and digital marketing companies and provide well-written content on time and on budget.


Our team members have years of experience writing and editing for people who want help telling the story of their brand – or just telling a story, period.

Alan Schmadtke - MacGuffin Publishing
What is a macguffin

What Is a MacGuffin?

The word “macguffin” describes an event, object or device that serves as the trigger for the primary plot of a fictional book or a movie.


Writers of thrillers and novels of suspense and mystery often use this device as a way to get into the plot. It is the secret briefcase everybody is after. In terms of what we do, the macguffin refers to the “why.”


It marks the internal drive we have to create and hand over content that make a difference for our clients.

Our Story

MacGuffin Publishing started as a licensed company created to take thrillers and novels of mystery and
suspense to the print and eBook markets.


It still does that, but our primary function today is fulfilling
content requests from our clients.

Our team of writers and editors enjoy a range of subject matter expertise, from medical, legal and
environmental to finance, general business, real estate, general business, sports, news and more.


Although we provide content services directly to businesses and have core knowledge about digital
content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), we do not advertise with the hope of
expanding our reach.


Clients tend to find us through word of mouth, and we like to build sustainable, win-win relationships with them.


We’re based in Orlando, Florida, and have clients across the country.


Our writing and editing teams mostly live and work in the United States, but we also have content professionals in Canada, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia and New Zealand.


If we don’t have someone who can write learnedly about your topic, it won’t take us long to find someone who can.

MacGuffin Publishing office
MacGuffin Publishing analytics
MacGuffin Publishing consulting
MacGuffin editing

How We Work

Clients pay for our services, but what we do is not once-size-fits-all.


​Some clients ask us to do majorproject-level work.


Others need one-off work, a few new pages to put on their website.


And others need consistent content.


We price our work accordingly.


Some clients pay for our time.


Others pay per written (and edited) word.


And some pay by project, a pre-negotiated fee.


Client needs drive the three business models.

Do You Need Better Content?

If you decide you want to upgrade the content on your website or even within the walls of your business, we can help.


If we’re not the right fit, we’ll let you know – and then see if we can find somebody else to help you.


We like to be of service in any way we can. If you think we can help, fill out a form on our contact page and we’ll be in touch!

Better content MacGuffin
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